Friday, April 11, 2008

Tea Party At Nana's.

One of my favorite things is to have the grand kids over for a tea party. We go all out with costumes, hats, traditional foods, hot chocolate instead of tea and our very best manners. The grand kids love it, I love it, and my girls get into the spirit also.

p align="center">I am Elinor Dashwood!

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Snow in April?!?

Do you ever feel like you are living under a black cloud?
This has been a black cloud week for me, starting with Monday and forgetting my glasses, cell phone, and wallet when I went to work. Then I had a usual Monday work day. By Wednesday I knew that the black cloud was a permanent attachment. As I was coming down the stairs, I was looking out the front door window and saw that we had snow on the ground. SNOW!! In April!! As my brain tried to assimilate this fact, my feet missed the bottom two steps, and I landed in a heap on the floor. My ankle was wrenched and my knee was bruised. So I am spending the remainder of my week in an ankle brace, gimping around as best I can.
But, with every black cloud, there is a sliver lining. We found out this week that Megan and Jake
were able to lease their house in Nampa. Now the only house payment they will have is their home in Fruitland. Also, Megan is feeling much better, her headaches are few and far between. She is impatient to get her strength back, and try to be super mom again.
Heidi passed her CNA skills test with flying colors and takes her written test tomorrow. Good luck Heidi.
Curt continues to ace his classes at ITT tech and loves what he is doing. If you need a house designed, call Curt.
I get to see Layton by appointment only as he is still the Bishop. His five year mark came and went with no hint of a release. In fact, he was told to unpack his trunk, he would be here for a while yet. But he is a great Bishop and we love having him serve so we are happy to let him continue at his post.
The countdown begins... 35 more days of school!!